Old Wine in New Bottles or Novel Challenges? A Critical Analysis of Empirical Studies of User Experience


Javier A. Bargas-Avila, Kasper Hornbæk, CHI 2011


User experience, UX, Usability, HCI, Review, Meta-Analysis


  • overview of the current state of UX research


  • to explore the current state of UX studies about methodology and content

  • to clarify what UX is, survey approaches


  • QUOROM for meta-analysis

    • Phase 1 - Potentially relevant publications identified

    • Phase 2 - Publications retrieved for detailed evaluation

    • Phase 3 - Potentially appropriate publications

    • Phase 4 - Publications to be included in the analysis


  • what sections are included in the paper about UX

    • Products, use situations and context in UX research

      • Product Types

      • Use Situations

      • Context

    • Dimensions of Experience in UX research

      • Dimensions

      • Number of dimensions involved

      • Usability metrics

    • How are data on UX collected?

      • Qualitative (50%), Quantitative (33%), Mixed (17%)

        • Methodology changes by time
      • Data-collection Methods

    • When is UX assessed?

      • before, during, after and imagined

      • only 17% on all situations

      • Anticipated use

      • No temporal studies done over periods of time

    • Main Goals

      • Basic Research

      • Methods

      • Expectations and requirements

        • Not considered as a dimension of UX


  • Products, use situations and goals

    • A heavy emphasis on art and consumer products

    • The turn to art and consumer products may preclude conclusions about experience with other types of products

    • The contribution to the understanding of a broad amplitude of products is largely ignored

    • Non-instrumental, hedonic or non-task-oriented goals are associated with UX

      • instrumental, pragmatic or task-oriented goals are associated with usability
  • Dimensions of experience

    • Emotion is one of the key factors of UX

    • Aesthetics and hedonic quality are strongly overlapping constructs

    • Dimensionality explosion

  • Methodology

    • Uniqueness studies and dimensions studies

    • Overemphasize methodological stance to the extent of damaging research quality

      • Uniqueness papers

      • Dimensions papers

      • Few studies combine the methods of uniqueness and dimension studies

    • Suggestion

      • The proposals for new methods are rarely validated

      • Constructive methods are not only rarely validated, they raise many issues about the process and validity of interpreting their results.

      • The need to rely on first-person methods for understanding experience

  • Limitations and future work

    • Limitations

      • Ignore how practitioners work with UX

      • The discussion of individual studies has been brief

      • Disregard studies that explore UX through design, without empirical data

    • Future work

      • Rich descriptions of context were surprisingly absent in the studies reviewed

      • The basic research characterizing experience over time is meagre

      • Few studies describe several aspects of UX and their interrelation

      • UX on desktop computers with productivity applications are rarely researched