When XR and AI Meet - A Scoping Review on Extended Reality and Artificial Intelligence


Teresa Hirzle, Florian Müller, Fiona Draxler, Martin Schmitz, Pascal Knierim, Kasper Hornbæk, CHI 2023


extended reality, artifcial intelligence, scoping review


  • summarize the state-of-the-art XR and AI research by presenting a typology including fve main topics

  • present an overview of algorithms, tools, datasets, models, data types, and user study data from the reviewed papers

  • critically discuss current research gaps, and provide 13 research opportunities, as well as recommendations for future work


  • difficult to obtain an overview of the research at this intersection


  • Research Questions

    • RQ1: What are the main topics researched at the intersection of XR and AI?

    • RQ2: What are the main problem areas that are addressed with XR and AI research?

    • RQ3: How is the research conducted? In particular, what algorithms, tools, datasets, models, data types, and user study data are employed to conduct the research?

  • Search Strategy

    • Definition of keywords

    • Search

  • Evidence Screening and Selection

    • Exclusion Criteria

      • Not in main proceedings

      • Survey or literature review

      • Year

      • Missing term

      • False positive

      • Example mension

      • Example application

      • Dataset

      • Lacking information

    • Inclusion Criteria

      • AI method applied for XR

      • XR applied for AI

      • Interaction with embodied AI

      • Application focus

      • Requires further reading

  • Data Extraction and Code Book

  • Critical Appraisal, Potential Bias, and Limitations

  • Analysis and Informal Synthesis


  • Overview of Papers

    • Research Directions

    • Publication Venues

    • Distribution of XR Technologies

    • Distribution of Keywords

  • Typology of the State-Of-The-Art XR and AI Research

    • Using AI to Create XR Worlds

      • Creating environment

      • Creating avatars

      • Creating agents

      • Creating objects

    • Using AI to Understand Users

      • Predicting VR Sickness

      • Predicting User Characteristics

      • Predicting Viewport and Head Movement

      • Eye Tracking and Gaze Analysis

    • Using AI to Support Interaction

      • Gestural Interaction

      • Locomotion Techniques

      • Novel Devices

      • Novel Interaction Techniques

      • Haptic Feedback

    • Interacting with Intelligent Virtual Agents

    • Using XR to Support AI Research

    • Topic Distribution for HCI Papers

  • Main Problem Areas Addressed in XR and AI Research

    • perception and neuroscience

    • interacting with IVAs

    • presentation of virtual content

    • tracking technologies

    • health in XR

    • creating high fdelity human characters

    • interaction techniques

    • social and ethical issues

    • building devices

    • rendering

    • display technology

  • Algorithms, Tools, Datasets, Networks, Data Types, and User Study Data

    • Algorithm Techniques and Classes

      • Algorithm Techniques

      • Algorithm Classes

    • Tools, Datasets, and Networks

    • Data Types

    • Assessment and Evaluation

    • When is AI applied?


  • 5 topics clusters

    • using AI to create XR worlds

    • using AI to understand users

    • using AI to support interaction

    • interacting with VAs

    • using XR for AI

  • 13 research opportunities