Shape-Changing Interfaces: A Review of the Design Space and Open Research Questions


Majken K. Rasmussen, Esben W. Pedersen, Marianne G. Petersen, Kasper Hornbæk, CHI 2012


Shape-changing interfaces; shape displays; organic user interfaces; actuated interfaces; non-visual actuators


  • review existing research on shape-changing interfaces

    • Analyze the change in shape, the dynamics of change, the interaction, and the design purposes

    • Discuss open research questions and under-researched areas

    • Provide an overview of the design possibilities in shape-changing interfaces

    • Outline open research questions


  • Point design, not the design space

  • Technical, not artistic/psychological

  • Rarely tangible interfaces


  • Scoping review


  • Types of change in shape

    • orientation, form, volume, texture, viscosity, spatiality, adding/subtracting, and permeability
  • Types of transformation

    • Kinetic parameters

      • Velocity, path, direction, space

      • provide few details on how the transformation occurs

      • movements often are complex and thus hard to express in text

    • Expressive parameters

      • Association

      • Adjectives

      • designer’s intention with the movements tend to be rather subjective and provide little information about the movements necessary to obtain it

      • rare studies of how users actually experience the prototypes

  • Interaction

    • No interaction

      • shape change is used solely as output
    • Indirect interaction

      • shape change occurs based on implicit input
    • Direct interaction

      • shape change is used as both input and output

Purposes of shape change

  • Functional Aims

    • Communicate information

    • Dynamic affordances

    • Haptic feedback

  • Hedonic Aims

    • aesthetical

    • emotion

    • Stimulation and provocation

  • Explorative

    • technical

    • aim at increasing our understanding of the materials involved in shape change

  • Toolkits for Programming


  • Purpose

  • Design Space

  • User Experience

  • Limitation